
Showing posts from March, 2024

Where You Stand in Definition of Conflict

  Where You Stand in Definition of Conflict Defining Conflict: Where Do You Stand? Duration: 30–35 minutes PURPOSE : To help participants understand how they perceive conflict, and what conflict means in their life experiences. EQUIPMENT : Flipchart MATERIALS : Handout: Pop Quiz on Attitudes Toward Conflict PROCEDURE : Explain to participants that people often come to a conflict-resolution workshop with a fixed definition of conflict and ideas based on earlier life experiences. Begin by pairing the participants and asking them to discuss with each other their definition of conflict. They should also talk about some earlier experiences that led them to these definitions. Reconvene and have pairs report on the results of their conversations. Ask participants for examples that influenced their thinking about conflict, and then (using participant input) write a group definition of conflict on the flipchart. Lead a discussion about the positive aspects of conflict resolution, asking que...